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Adrian Piper: A Synthesis of Intuitions & A Reader

Adrian Piper’s work has profoundly shaped the trajectory of conceptual art since the 1960s. These two companion volumes, an exhibition catalogue and accompanying reader, are published in conjunction with the groundbreaking exhibition, co-organized by MoMA, New York and the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, Adrian Piper: A Synthesis of Intuitions, 1965–2016. An extensive personal chronology, bibliography, and exhibition history are included alongside essays and previously unpublished texts from the artist, providing readers with an expanded perspective from which to interpret Piper’s work.

The exhibition catalog is sheathed in a glossy plastic jacket printed with a translucent screen of halftone dots. It recalls newsprint, the static of television, and the materiality of early mass media. The jacket’s shimmering moiré effect over the cover image serves as another reminder for the interpretive buffer that media creates. The cover image of the A Reader—a page of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason annotated by Piper—lays the foundation for this supplementary collection of essays, which expand upon the themes and works featured in the exhibition catalog. Across both volumes, the display typeface Alternate Gothic relates directly to the typography in Sol LeWitt’s artists’ books; befitting for an artist whose work radically changed the purview of Conceptual art.

10 × 12 inches
352 pages, hardcover


6 ½ × 9 ¾ inches
280 pages, softcover


Adam Michaels, Siiri Tännler