As Seen / As Published
As Published, presented at the Art Institute of Chicago, celebrates the release of As Seen: Exhibition that Made Architecture and Design History, published by The Art Institute of Chicago and Yale University Press. Using a human-scale, 3D version of Herbert Bayer’s celebrated diagram of the field of vision and an oversized book with projected book pages, the exhibition examines modes of reading, viewing and exhibiting.
As Seen: Exhibitions that Made Architecture and Design History explores the multifaceted ways in which exhibitions have reflected on contemporary dilemmas and opened up new processes and ways of working. Edited by Zoë Ryan, the book examines the impact of eleven groundbreaking architecture and design exhibitions held between 1956 and 2006, including This Is Tomorrow, Expo ‘70, Massive Change, and Italy: The New Domestic Landscape.
A second exhibition, also designed by our team and held at the Art Institute, further explored this topic and material in 2010.