Brand New: Art and Commodity in the 1980s
Brand New: Art and Commodity in the 1980s chronicles artists’ deepening exploration of commodity and consumerism amid the rise of modern branding and the onset of the information age. This groundbreaking exhibition, organized by Gianni Jetzer for the Hirshhorn Museum, tells the stories of New York City’s evolving downtown art scene.
Published by Rizzolli, the catalogue design echoes the design of 1980s magazines—tight columns of justified text and a high-contrast condensed serif display typeface (Publico Banner Light) flank and frame scores of full-color plates. Alongside thorough, richly illustrated timelines are newly commissioned essays from Jetzer, Leah Pires, and Bob Nickas, shedding new light on this pivotal period that would irrevocably change the rules of art.